

The San Francisco Composers Chamber Orchestra is a multi-talented group of composer-performers from the San Francisco Bay Area who seek to define the sound of New Music in San Francisco.

SFCCO's concert series exemplify both the diversity of its members' music as well as the unique threads which bind them together, creating a sound that is truly San Francisco. SFCCO endeavors to expand the public interest in new music through concerts, recording projects, and by building a strong relationship with its community.

We welcome you to make a contribution to the San Francisco Composers Chamber Orchestra.

Please consider a contribution at any of the following levels

YES! I want to do my part!

Archangel $1000 and up
Angel $500-$999
Benefactor $100-$499
Donor $50-$99
Patron up to $49

If you buy things from you could help to raise money for the SFCCO. Amazon has a program that when you use to make your purchases, they will donate money to a 501c3 charity of your choice. By selecting Erling Wolds Fabrications as your charity, AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the SFCCO.


Contributing $1000 +

Mark Alburger
Alexis Alrich
Christopher & Sue Bancroft
John Hiss & Nancy Katz

Lisa Scola Prosek
Sue Rosen
Erling Wold

Contributing $500-$999

Anne Baldwin
John Beeman
George & Connie Cooke
Michael & Lisa Cooke
Anne Dorman
David & Joyce Graves
Ken Howe
Kenneth Johnson
Hanna Hymans-Ostroff
Robert Stine
Kat Walsh

Contributing $100-$499

Kenneth & Ruth Baumann
Susan M. Barnes
Marina Berlin & Anthony Parisi
Bruce & Betsy Carlson
Patrick & Linda Condry
Rachel Condry
Stephen Cooke
Patti Deuter
J.D. Devrer
Thomas Goss
James Henriques
Gail Hoben
Ann-Marie Hogan
Brian Holmes
Marilyn Hudson
Susan Kates
Ronald Mcfarland
Wayne McVicker
Ken & Jan Milnes
Gail Piestrup
Elizabeth Powell
Roberta Robertson
James Schrempp
Todd Shallat
Martha Stoddard
James Whitmore
Vivaty, Inc

Contributing $50-$99

Paul & Barbara Boniker
Adam Deutsch
Mark Easterday
Sabrina Huang
Donna & Joseph Lanam
Harriet March Page
Larry Ochs
CF Peters
Kent & Catherine Smith
Barbara & Mark Stefik
Robert & Frances Stine
Roberta Robertson

Contributing up to $49

Susie Bailey
Schuyler Bailey
Harry Bernstein
Joanne Carey
Alden Jenks
Hannes & Linda Lamprecht
Elinor Lamson
Steve Lowe
Anthony Mobilia
Deborah Slater

To make a tax deductible donation, please send a check made out to:

Erling Wold's Fabrications
629 Wisconsin Street
San Francisco, CA 94107

Please include a note saying you want the money to go to the San Francisco Composers Chamber Orchestra.

The SFCCO season can only be made possible through the support of our contributors. We thank those of you who have consistently donated to the orchestra.

We would be delighted to list you or your company as a contributor toward our efforts to bring excellent new music to the community at affordable prices